The Sims Social Wiki
Relationship Bar

Example of the Relationship Bar

One of the features of The Sims Social is the ability to have different types of Relationships. Relationships determine the type of interactions your Sim can have with another Sim. There are many kinds of relationships, which can be grouped into four broad categories:

  • Neutral Relationships
  • Friendly Relationships
  • Mean Relationships
  • Romantic Relationships

Having relationships with neighbors allows you to interact with them, which can reward you with Backpack Items and Social Points. Sometimes, it is a requirement to interact with neighbors to complete a quest.

Relationships Explained[]

Two Sims Talking

Two Sims Speaking

To gain a relationship with a Sim is to, firstly, make contact with them. You must be Facebook friends with someone and have added them as a Neighbor in the game to initiate a Relationship.

Certain social actions can only be unlocked by certain relationship levels. In most instances, a higher relationship level encompasses all of the possible social interactions in the levels below it that are of the same relationship nature. For example, Close Friend action possibilities includes social interactions from Good Friends, Friends, and Acquaintances, but not from any mean-spirited relationships, like Sort Of Friends.

When the relationship meter between two Sims reaches either end of the spectrum (high or low), most of the time the player is prompted to request a new relationship status from the other player. This involves sending a Facebook request to the other player that can be posted on their wall, which they must then accept. A new relationship status unlocks a new number of interactions, and usually also yields a reward of Social Points.

A bug in the system can cause a relationship request to fail to be sent.  As a result, the other player is unable to accept the request, or to send the same relationship request back.  After waiting for three days, the request will automatically expire and another attempt can be made.  A faster solution, however, is to reach a different relationship level, which cancels the initial relationship request.  For instance, if a "Close Friends" relationship request fails to send, you can use the Naughty Tail clothing item to initiate a "Naughty Friends" request.  Then use another friendly interaction to re-send the initial request.  Either player may use this trick.

Relationships degrade over time if you do not visit and interact with your neighbors often. Friendly and Romantic relationships will passively degrade to Awkward Friends while Mean relationships will passively upgrade to Awkward Friends. The more extreme relationships (like Inspired BFFs, Inspired Soul Mates or Frenemies) will change much faster than relationships closer to Awkward friends.

It is useful to have at least one Relationship of each nature, as it can be a requirement for completing Achievements or Quests. Furthermore, since some items are more likely to drop from different types of interactions (e.g. mean interactions are more likely to yield a Fury), a player can maintain relationships easier if they designate different Sims for each nature of Relationship. For example, a player could repeatedly direct their Sim to be Mean to Bella, in hopes of gaining Fury or unlocking more mean interactions, but remain Friendly to their actual Facebook friends' Sims.

Types of Relationships[]

Click the link of the Relationship name in order to see what social interactions are unlocked by this level.

Neutral Relationships[]

Picture Relationship Brief Description
Neighbors When a new player is first added as a neighbor, this is the relationship status that two Sims start at. There is only one type of social interaction at this level.
Acquaintances The first relationship level. You do not need to request confirmation via Facebook to achieve this level.

Friendly Relationships[]

Picture Relationship Brief Description
Friends The first friendly level. You do not need to request confirmation via Facebook to achieve this level. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Good Friends relationship.
Good Friends
Good Friends Requires that you first be Friends and be doing friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Close Friends relationship.
Close Friends
Close Friends Requires that you first be Good Friends and be doing friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Best Friends relationship.
Best Friends
Best Friends Requires that you first be Close Friends and be doing friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your BFFs relationship.
BFFs (Best Friends Forever) Requires that you first be Best Friends and be doing friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Inspired BFFs relationship.
Inspired BFFs
Inspired BFFs (Previously BFF+) Requires that you first be BFFs and be doing friendly interactions to upgrade. This is the highest friendly level you can achieve, and will allow you to use some mean interactions.

Romantic Relationships[]

Picture Relationship Brief Description
Dating The first romantic relationship. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Going Steady relationship.
Going Steady
Going Steady Requires that you first be Dating and be doing either romantic or friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Inseparable relationship.
Inseparable Requires that you first be Going Steady and be doing either romantic or friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Totally Inseparable relationship.
Totally Inseparable
Totally Inseparable Requires that you first be Inseparable and be doing either romantic or friendly interactions to upgrade. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Soul Mates relationship.
Soul Mates
Soul Mates Requires that you first be Totally Inseparable and be doing either romantic or friendly interactions to upgrade.You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Inspired Soul Mates relationship.
Inspired Soul Mates
Inspired Soul Mates (Previously Soul Mates+) Requires that you first be Soulmates and be doing either romantic or friendly interactions to upgrade. Unless you are logging in every few hours to maintain this relationship, it will not usually last a whole day.
Naughty Friends
Naughty Friends Unlocked by wearing the Rayure Marine Neckerchief and using the action 'Voulez Vous Woohoo avec Moi' or wearing the Naughty Tail or Dark Wings and using the action 'Feeling Naughty?' or 'Naughty Tickle' on other Sims.

Mean Relationships[]

Picture Relationship Brief Description
Awkward Friends
Awkward Friends Requires that you were either Sort of Friends and have been doing friendly interactions, or that you were Friends and let your relationship passively degrade. You do not need to request confirmation via Facebook to achieve this level. This is the base level that all relationships eventually trend to.
Sort of Friends
Sort of Friends Requires that you either be Ex-Friends first, and have been doing friendly interactions to upgrade your relationship or that you are Awkward Friends first and have been doing mean interactions to downgrade your relationship. You do not need to request confirmation via Facebook to achieve this level. You will be passively downgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Friendly Rivals relationship.
Friendly Rivals
Friendly Rivals Requires that you be Sort of Friends first, and have been doing mean interactions to downgrade your relationship. You will be passively upgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Friendly Rivals+ relationship.
Friendly Rivals
Friendly Rivals+ Requires that you be Friendly Rivals first, and have been doing mean interactions to downgrade your relationship. This is as low a relationship as you can get. Unless you are logging in every few hours to maintain this relationship, it will not usually last a whole day.
Ex-Friends Requires that you once were in any kind of Friendly relationship and did mean interactions until it was downgraded. You do not need to request confirmation via Facebook to achieve this level. You will be passively upgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Frenemies relationship.
Frenemies Requires that you be Ex-Friends first and have done Mean interactions until it was downgraded. Confirmation required from friend to get this relationship. You will be passively upgraded to this level if you do not maintain your Frenemies+ relationship.
Frenemies+ Requires that you be Frenemies first and have done Mean interactions until it was downgraded. Confirmation is not required to get this relationship. This is as low a relationship as you can get. Unless you are logging in every few hours to maintain this relationship, it will not usually last a whole day.
Ex-Lovers Requires that you were once in a Romantic type of relationship and chose to break up.

Number of Unlocked Interactions for New Relationship Level[]

Old Relationship Status --> New Relationship Status : Number of new unlocked interactions

Neutral Relationships

  • Neighbors --> Acquaintances : 142
  • Acquaintance --> Friend : 79

Friendly Relationships

  • Friends --> Good Friends : 11
  • Good Friends --> Close Friends : 12
  • Close Friends --> Best Friends : 13
  • Best Friends --> BFFs : 14
  • BFFs --> Inspired BFFs : 34

Mean Relationships

  • Sort of Friends --> Friends : 20
  • ? --> Ex-Friends : 48
  • Good Friends --> Ex-Friends: 73
  • Ex-Friends --> Frenemies: 13
  • Frenemies --> Frenemies+: 45

Romantic Relationships

  • Friends --> Dating : 48
  • Dating --> Inseparable : 10
  • Inseparable --> Totally Inseparable : 15
  • Totally Inseparable --> Soul Mates : 12
  • Soul Mates --> Inspired Soul Mates : 45